Dr. William N. Taylor


Graduated from the University of the Witwaterrsrand, Johannesburg 1971

Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, 1976

Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada, 1980

Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, 1984

Residency at Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, Toronto General Hospital and St. Michael's Hospital 1976-1979

Postgraduate Fellowship at Bowman Gray Medical School, Winston-Salem North Carolina in reconstructive and stone surgery

Clinical Assistant Professor University of BritishColumbia, Department of Urologic Surgery


Clinical practice in Richmond and Vancouver since 1981 with a special interest in kidney stone surgery (ESWL, ureteral renoscopy with laser and percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Other special interests are radical nerve sparing prostatectomy, micro-vasectomy reversal and minimally invasive female urinary incontinence surgery

He holds international patents regarding magnetic urinary stent retrieval

Active member of the Department of Urologic Sciences and sits Committee.

Actively teaches residents and medical students.

Past head of the British Columbia Urological Association and Chief of Surgery at the Richmond hospital.

Active member of the American Urological Association