Pre-Operative Instructions
General Information
These pamphlets contain information and answers to questions such as:
Where to go once you arrive at the hospital for my pre-admission clinic and for surgery
What do I bring with me for my pre-admission visit?
What medications should I take before surgery? (Important: the final word which medications to stop or continue prior to surgery will be given by the Anesthesiologist at your pre-operative visit)
If the Information Does Not Satisfactorily Answer Your Questions, Please Contact Us
'Same Day Admission' means you will be spending at least one night in the hospital
'Day Care Surgery' means that you will be going home the day of surgery
Select the pamphlet which matches the location and type of your surgery.
Richmond Hospital - Same Day Admission
UBC or Vancouver Hospital Preadmission Clinic Instructions
Skin preparation – For patients undergoing radical cystectomy (complete removal of the bladder)
The final word on what medications to take and when to take them rests with the anesthesiologist or internist who will see you pre-operatively.
If you do not need to see an anesthetist or internist, then follow the instructions that our office provides to you. These instructions are in place to ensure your own safely. Failure to follow them will result in cancellation of your surgery.
In general, you must fast for 8 hours prior to surgery. This means NO fluids or food. The exception is a sip of water with the medications you have been instructed to take. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of your surgery.
If you are coming to the operating room, you will almost certainly receive some sedation. You are considered legally impaired for 24 hours after the procedure and are prohibited from driving. You must have a family member or friend take you home. Taking public transportation, walking or a taxi is NOT considered acceptable. Failure to arrange acceptable transportation will result in the cancellation of your surgery.
Blood Thinners
Some types of surgery require cessation of medications that can impair clotting. Not all surgery requires stopping these mediations. CHECK WITH ANESTHESIA OR OUR OFFICE IF YOU ARE UNCLEAR.
Medications which impair clotting include:
Antiplatelet agents: aspirin (ASA), ibuprofen, clopidogrel (Plavix)
Anticoagulants: warfarin (coumadin), dabigatran (Pradax), rivaroxaban (Xarelto)
Heparin-like medications: heparin, low-molecular weight heparin (e.g. dalteparin/Fragmin)
Anesthesia will inform you of when to stop your blood thinner - FOLLOW THEIR INSTRUCTIONS. General guidelines:
Antiplatelet agents: minimum 7 days prior to surgery
Coumadin: 5 days
Dabigatran (Pradax): 3 days (1-2 days longer if kidney function is impaired)
Rivaroxaban (Xarelto): 2 days